ARRMA Kraton EXB 6S.... Unboxing, Review, & 5 Upgrades!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 91

  • @VS666
    @VS666 11 месяцев назад +3

    I was picking up a 4S Kraton V2 and when I saw they updated the 6S I knew I had to have it, the EXB has a bunch of really welcomed upgrades. I've always felt the 6S lineup is the best combination of speed, size and usability. I usually bring a couple 3S batteries and one or two 4S because it still rips! My first run was a wet skatepark and it held up really well. Very well made Arrma. I love my Mojave 4S and will probably end up getting a Kraton 4S but like I said the 6S lineup is the sweet spot for me as upgrades are still fairly affordable but not always mandatory depending on how you drive it

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  11 месяцев назад

      Agreed. I have the Mojave 4S, too. I have also had the 4S Kraton on my radar. IMO The 6S Kraton EXB is the best basher in that class.

  • @RazerCredit
    @RazerCredit 5 месяцев назад +3

    Get mine next week, with new Servo, and servo saver, and all new RPM arms, skid plates. Also went with Treal CNC F/R hubs...All in $1215.00 . . .Saved for a year to get this RC, has been my Dream RC. Im so excited, all I think about.

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  5 месяцев назад

      It's my favorite large basher, for sure. I know how exciting it is to save up, then finally get it. Now get some good batteries and you are all set.

  • @Facts-R-Real
    @Facts-R-Real Год назад +2

    One of my favorite channels! Love the durability tests. lol.

  • @GoCards512
    @GoCards512 Год назад +4

    Just bought this, awesome truck! thx for the upgrade tips

  • @TrishArmes-s8e
    @TrishArmes-s8e 4 месяца назад +1

    We have 4 hosims. A couple of them got smashed up in the hurricane here in tennessee. Hes been trying to get some up and running before its to cold. He has been wanting a bigger one. I was gonna try and get 1/8 scale for him when we get done with the clean up and our place is fixxed. Love the video ty😊

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  4 месяца назад +1

      I'm sorry to hear about that. This is definitely one of my favorite bashers. Arrma tough.

    • @TrishArmes-s8e
      @TrishArmes-s8e 4 месяца назад

      @hyperc5249 yeah it's been a process getting everything back. But he loves working on rcs. I never messed with them till we got together. Now he's got me building a small crawler. He said arrma is a good company so I'm gonna look into it and maybe I can work out one for

  • @psighosteumili
    @psighosteumili 10 месяцев назад +3

    first thing that broke on my sons was the servo. after that was fixed the wing mount. also have had issues with the screw coming out of the steering turnbuckle.

  • @gunhunter4life
    @gunhunter4life Год назад +3

    Went to use mine this past Sunday and I have a bad ESC. I tried to do a firmware update on the ESC like I had to on the Big Rock 6s with no luck. They are sending me a new ESC, but it sucks that I got two Arrma trucks with ESC issues and they have to sit here until they get fixed. The Big Rock 6s works great now with no issues. Thanks for the video and the upgrade advice. Can't wait to bash mine after getting it fixed.

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      Good luck getting it up and running. The good news is they are covering it under warranty. The waiting is always the hardest part.

    • @joemiller5160
      @joemiller5160 Год назад +1

      This is my first RC car in years. Just got it 2 days ago. Mine turns hard when I let off throttle completely. Sooo I'm guessing that esc is gonna be my issue aswell?

    • @prestondillon9279
      @prestondillon9279 Год назад +1

      @hyperc5249 I'm only getting 8 mins of run time with a brand new 6s 6500 MIH battery. What kind of run times are you seeing?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      @@prestondillon9279 between 20 and 30 minutes. Check your gear mesh. That's definitely not right.

    • @prestondillon9279
      @prestondillon9279 Год назад +1

      @@hyperc5249 gear mesh is perfect. I think I got a bad esc or motor.

  • @WeissRC
    @WeissRC Год назад +2

    Nice video dude! Been thinking hard on getting one of these, but hard to justify since I have a V1 EXB...haha

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      Thanks. I didn't have one so it was a must have for me.

    • @WeissRC
      @WeissRC Год назад

      @hyperc5249 totally understandable! 😎🤘

  • @lukerecore
    @lukerecore Год назад +1

    Yzzr i would agree with u, u waited just for the right time to pull the trigger on the arrma kraton 6s exb rtr v2.

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      Right. Bash, Crawl, Repeat!

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      @creditrazer981 Nice. The new V2.5 is also awesome. I might get one to review this spring.

  • @AlexVasquez-fw5up
    @AlexVasquez-fw5up 5 месяцев назад +1

    I like the 6’s than the 8’s. More durable 😎👍🏼

  • @MrKen-sj5qi
    @MrKen-sj5qi 8 месяцев назад +2

    My next purchase once our local hobby shop gets more stock in.😊

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  8 месяцев назад +1

      It's definitely my favorite big basher.

  • @adickurig
    @adickurig 7 месяцев назад

    After my MJX H14BM gets worn out, I think I'm going for one of these Kratons.

  • @cmykrc12
    @cmykrc12 5 месяцев назад +1

    Great Video thx🤟🏻 whats your opinion After 9 Month? i hear so much Problems about poping out driveshaft and broken dif cups

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  5 месяцев назад

      @@cmykrc12 It's my favorite basher. Are you sure those aren't problems with the old Kraton? I haven't had a single problem with the EXB.

    • @cmykrc12
      @cmykrc12 5 месяцев назад +1

      it seems to be one havent and issues and others have this problems
      anyway i will try it cause it looks so good and its your favourite basher
      Thx 👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  5 месяцев назад

      @cmykrc12 Also with bashers a bad drive or someone who just sends it to the moon breaks a lot of stuff. I'm a good driver and don't abuse my rigs. Or just plain bad luck.

  • @Facts-R-Real
    @Facts-R-Real Год назад +1

    OK OK. First. I need some of them mudguards! And, I REALLY WANT SOME OF THEM MUD GUARDS! 😂

  • @georgegreen9566
    @georgegreen9566 Год назад +1

    Excellent review! I bought the new Kraton 6S EXB. It is my first 1/8 scale anything and first basher. I've always been a crawler. I see so many differ posts on what dif fluid to use and how it affects the driving and steering. The manual says it came with 80/100/80. I haven't torn into the dif's yet to check the levels. I have ran one pack through it to get a feel of the rig. It rips and everything operates perfectly.What do you suggest for all around grass, dirt and for now marginal bashing? Thanks

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      Thanks. I add 100k to center diff and let her rip. Seems to be just right. I crawl and bash. Slow to go.

  • @FishHardGetLucky
    @FishHardGetLucky Год назад +1

    When will you be coming out with a follow-up video for this Kraton EXB?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      This summer, when it warms up. I don't like bashing and doing big jumps in the cold. It's not good on the plastic, and I don't like freezing🥶.

  • @tyshiddejuremanbey1313
    @tyshiddejuremanbey1313 11 месяцев назад +1

    Uhhhhh, SICK!!!

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  11 месяцев назад +1

      Right. It's my favorite 6S basher.

    • @tyshiddejuremanbey1313
      @tyshiddejuremanbey1313 11 месяцев назад

      @hyperc5249 Heck yeah, and why not, one of my fav as well, but i have to be honest I LOVE'EM ALL, ALL, and then theres Boat's, Planes, Tanks, Drone's and that losi Dirt Bike, c'mon Man us RC Guy's are a rear breed, and "we're still having fun" How's that for "Drizzle Drizzle"!!!

  • @deimos_lux378
    @deimos_lux378 Год назад +1

    Great video ! What material did you print the skid plate with

  • @2wheelsTony
    @2wheelsTony Год назад +1

    Do you have STLs for those 3D printed parts? I thing that those 5 upgrades are a great value add to this build.

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      They are all off of Thingiverse. Free!

  • @FishHardGetLucky
    @FishHardGetLucky Год назад +1

    How do you detail/clean a rig like this Arrma after you let it rip in the dirt. It looks like you take care of your RC’s like I want do. I race 1/10 scale offroad indoor carpet so cleaning isn’t a huge deal like having expensive bashers or dirt racing. Im new to bashing so I wanted your advice. Thanks in advance!!

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      Air gun first. Carefully wash with soap and water. Blow dry and towel off. Lube any metal exposed to water.

  • @FishHardGetLucky
    @FishHardGetLucky Год назад +1

    i run a futaba 4pm radio. I really want to run that with this Kraton. How many input spots will i need on the receiver if i choose to add another fan to the heatsink? Will i still maintain all possible adjustments for the kraton? Reason why im asking is because i have an extra futaba receiver and it has channels 1,2, and 3 as well as an input that says “B”. Not sure what that means. Also not sure if my futaba radio will work with the stock spektrum receiver. Im new to RCs. Thanks for your help

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      It won't work with the stock reciever. You will need TX and Rx that work together. 3 channels is fine. You can run a splitter on the fans to one channel.

  • @themadvillain6199
    @themadvillain6199 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great view sir, question, I want to put dual fans on my vorteks, do I need a y splitter?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  9 месяцев назад

      Yes you will need the Y spliter.

  • @Murphys_Law9
    @Murphys_Law9 11 месяцев назад

    I wish it had better performance because it’s the same exact electronics they have been using on their 1/8 scale

  • @strhhswgter
    @strhhswgter Год назад +1

    Im gonna get a Kraton but I cant decide which one. Should I get the base 6S or the EXB?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      EXB, you will end up wanting to upgrade those parts later. Much cheaper to buy them already on the rig. It's a great basher.

  • @TG-cp2mn
    @TG-cp2mn 11 месяцев назад +1

    Is this the V2.5? Subscribed

  • @MikeSiegfried71
    @MikeSiegfried71 Год назад +1

    What brand batteries do you run in it? I heard the spektrum smart batts aren’t that good.

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      I run all kinds. Gen Ace, Zeee, but my personal favorite are Yowoo Graphene batteries. Amazing power.

    • @psysona
      @psysona 9 дней назад +1

      Hey glad I stumbled across your channel as I picked up the exb kraton.
      Am I able to run 2 ovonic 3s 15000mah 150c on this car?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  9 дней назад

      @psysona, those batteries are huge. You can fit 2 3S batteries. But im not 💯 sure about 15000 Mah.

  • @coltonstrong6182
    @coltonstrong6182 15 дней назад +1

    Are you still enjoying this truck? Still recommend?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  15 дней назад +1

      @@coltonstrong6182 Yes. It's my favorite basher. Highly recommend.

  • @bartoski-ag
    @bartoski-ag 11 месяцев назад +1

    i got mine, the rear has toe in and front alot of toe out, is that normal? or should i make all the wheels straight?

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  11 месяцев назад

      Rear toe in is fine. I noticed the toe out as well. But it rips and jumps just fine, so I didn't do anything to it.

  • @jerryhermann7233
    @jerryhermann7233 Год назад +1

    This the 8th scale, or the 5th scale. For being a 1 month old video shows a black body. The 8th scale 6s is only red or blue body.

  • @tyshiddejuremanbey1313
    @tyshiddejuremanbey1313 11 месяцев назад +1

    Sub'ed your up One!!!

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  11 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks Bro.

    • @tyshiddejuremanbey1313
      @tyshiddejuremanbey1313 11 месяцев назад

      @@hyperc5249 We got'ah stick together on these mean RC Streets, you bet Bro!!!

  • @RockyMtBashers
    @RockyMtBashers Год назад +1

    Love this truck mine is already all m2cified lmao

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +1

      Absolutely my favorite 6S basher.

  • @seanconnolly2179
    @seanconnolly2179 Год назад +2

    This vehicle needs a wheelie bar bad !

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +2

      Yeah. I'm trying to figure out if the old one will fit the new wing mount before I purchase it.

    • @vraakki
      @vraakki Год назад

      does the old one fit?​@@hyperc5249

    • @mitchellg849
      @mitchellg849 7 месяцев назад

      Any update on that wheelie bar working?

  • @yotamonster
    @yotamonster Год назад +1


  • @nathansales9451
    @nathansales9451 Год назад

    Man ITS A 160 AMP 160 NOT 150

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад

      Not sure what you are talking about but this is straight off of Arrmas website.
      Spektrum Firma 150A V2 Smart Waterproof ESC with IC5 connectors

  • @ianjohnhorwood2605
    @ianjohnhorwood2605 Год назад


    • @johnr2391
      @johnr2391 Год назад +1

      WHY ARE YOU YELLING?! This truck has been out for 4 years at least. Why he is reviewing all these old release vehicles is beyond me. There's already hundreds of videos and reviews of these things..

    • @rrcompton22
      @rrcompton22 Год назад

      @@johnr2391this just came out not even a month ago.
      Derp derp….

    • @jortega61924
      @jortega61924 Год назад +2

      @@johnr2391this is the newest model. What are u talking about???

    • @hyperc5249
      @hyperc5249  Год назад +2

      The Kraton 6S EXB was released on 12/23/23. It's brand new. Look on Amain. Bottom of the page show release date.

    • @rrcompton22
      @rrcompton22 Год назад +1

      Derp derp

  • @ianjohnhorwood2605
    @ianjohnhorwood2605 Год назад +1


    • @johnr2391
      @johnr2391 Год назад +4

      Looks like you have a few issues yourself bro. 🤣🤣🤣